TR Tuesdays Present: Power Up Your Station

TR Tuesdays Present: Power Up Your Station

TR Tuesdays Present: “Power Up Your Station: Master the Art of Equipment and Broadcast Monitoring” Ever had a cleaner unplug your server to vacuum the floor, and you only found out because everything suddenly stopped working? What if you had clever...
Grant applications:  how to be better!

Grant applications: how to be better!

What does it take to create a successful CBF grant? That question has had more airtime on Technorama’s Q&A Facebook group than any other topic.  It’s a heated debate.  Grant applications take time.  Not getting the grant is a painful experience. ...
Volts, current and not becoming dead

Volts, current and not becoming dead

The article below (“Beware Low Amp Current”) caught my eye, and I thought it was worth reposting to the group. I don’t like the term “Low Amp Current” – ugh. But the situation described is very real: it’s current flow through...