The 2024 Annual General Meeting of Technorama Incorporated will be held at 1730 AEST Saturday 21 September 2024.   Because the meeting is being held in conjunction with Technorama TR24, the main attendance will be in-person.  However, members may choose to attend by telepresence and the meeting will be run as a hybrid event.  Unless advised otherwise, remote connection will be via GoToMeeting with online voting for elections.

If you have any questions, please drop a line to or reach out to us via the contact form on this website.   If you have a last-minute membership access challenge, need to confirm attendance or apology, or if you have an admin challenge:  drop an email to and we will try to help.    

Ordinary business

No notice of motions (special or ordinary) has been received, so this year’s AGM will be a standard agenda.


It being an even year for the purposes of rule 14(5), the following positions are declared vacant, and nominations are called:

  • President
  • Secretary
  • Two ordinary Committee members
  • In addition, the Vice President is being elected for a one-year term in respect of a casual vacancy for that role.

All members are encouraged to nominate for one or more of these positions, nominations must be received by 14:59:59 AEDT on Saturday 14 September (one week prior to the meeting).

Note: If you are a paid-up member of Technorama Incorporated, then you are eligible to nominate.

Who can vote in the election?  All attending members in good standing (ie: you were paid up as a member on 8 September 2024 when the AGM was announced) will be eligible to vote at the AGM.  Voting will be electronic, and fully secret ballot. 

AGM Packet:

All the important files may be downloaded here:

Additional information for any member who wishes to stand for an elected role to Committee:

    All the best,

    Technorama Committee