This Tuesday night (8 December at 1830 AEDT), we give you a leg-up into the world of small board computing. and how programming one of these devices will not only fix one of those stalled to-do’s, but will also save your station some money. We introduced Arduino with our classroom session at TR17, and it’s time to go a bit further!
Technorama Tuesday Webinar
Raspberry Pi and Arduino are the latest developments in affordable hobbyist electronics. You could so easily use one or other (or both!) in your next project, and save heaps of time and money. But which do you choose? Why? What are the strengths of each? How do you get started?
In this session, you’ll learn what can you do with these boards for projects at your station, and discover the key differences in features between them so you can make an informed decision on your next project.
The Raspberry Pi is a tiny, really cheap, REAL computer designed to teach computing that can do so many jobs at your station. Plug in one or two monitors or TVs, a USB keyboard and mouse, load the free full-function operating system, and off you go!
Arduino boards are much simpler (and even cheaper), but are perfect for doing control jobs, measurements, flashing lights, and managing buttons. Both devices are powering a new revolution of cheap, ‘Internet of Things’ devices, along with so much more.
About our presenter: Steph Piper is the Community Engagement Coordinator at USQ, looking after the library Makerspace. She is also co-founder of Elkei Education, introducing electronics skills and positive role models to young girls. With a background in bio-fabrication, Steph also teaches classes in 3D printing, Arduino and Hardware development.
At the end of the session, Terry O’Connor, Evan Wyatt and moderator John Maizels will join Steph for a Q&A, and talk about some projects that YOU can do over the break.
Click here to register. Do it right now and join us via ZOOOOOOOM on Tuesday 8 Dec at 1830 EADT for Technorama Tuesday: Small Board Computing Basics!