Technorama bulletin: the mailer
In November 2016, just ahead of the AGM, we sent a mailer to all the people who had
registered on the website or have attended a TR. If you missed it, then you can download the bulletin here.
Technorama 2017 is announced!
We’re excited: Technorama 2017 will be held on the weekend of 16-18 June 2017, and by popular support we’re going to be back at the Campbelltown RSL.
The program is under development and registration isn’t open yet, but all the facilities bookings are firm. We expect registration price to be similar to this year (in 2016 it was around $100 earlybird for station volunteers, and that covered everything). This year you can expect Members of Technorama to get special treatment.
Start discussing the dates and your attendance with your Board or Committee, and you can safely book travel.
Put the dates in your diary, and stand by as we call for session ideas and presentations.