Major changes underway in the 800 MHz band—are you ready?

May 2011 marked the start of an extensive review by the ACMA of the 800 MHz band. The intent of the review was to see how the frequency band could be more efficiently used by incumbents, and how new technology can be introduced into the band. This review concluded in November 2015 with the release of a decisions paper. The decisions paper considered all stakeholder input and set out the changes that are required to be made by licensees, and the timeframes available for these changes to be made.

As changes to the 800 MHz band affect a large number of stakeholders, the implementation plan has been formulated to consist of six milestones spread out over a number of years:

  • Milestone 1—compliance end date: On licence expiry prior to 30 June 2019.   Affects licensees in the 849–852 MHz frequency segment
  • Milestones 2 and 3—compliance end date: On licence expiry prior to 30 June 2021.   Affects licensees in the 852 – 857 MHz paired with 928 – 933 MHz frequency segment
  • Milestones 4, 5 and 6—compliance end date: On licence expiry prior to 30 June 2024.   Affects licensees in the 820–825 MHz paired with 865–870 MHz and 857-865 MHz frequency segment

If you hold apparatus licences in these frequency bands, it is important that you are aware of the necessary requirements you must meet, so you can comply with the relevant milestones.

The ACMA are in the process of sending out information letters to all licensees in the band on the changes that are happening. If you are a licensee of the above mentioned frequency bands and have not received any communication yet, please contact the ACMA with your licence numbers or client number using the contact details provided below.

You can also check for yourself what the changes are. For information on how your licences might be affected, please visit the ACMA 800 MHz webpage:

For more detailed information specific to your transition requirements, use the ACMA online search tool entering your client or licence number(s) to work out what changes are required of you:

Contact us

If you have any queries about this information please contact us on 1300 850 115 or email us directly at