
Are you interested in helping shape the future of webinars and the upcoming Technorama Roadshow? We’re seeking passionate individuals with innovative ideas to redefine the way we engage with technology and education.
Join us in giving your ideas and feedback!

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The site is being updated all the time, but maybe we’re not fast enough for you, especially between annual events.   If you have unanswered questions, please contact us and tell us what’s on your mind.

Stay in touch…

Maybe there’s a reason why you can’t become a member right now.  Just fill in the  STAY IN TOUCH WITH TECHNORAMA  form on the right of this page if you’re on a desktop.  Or it might be at the bottom, or via a hamburger – depending on your device.

If you’re not a member of Technorama, or if you’re part of an organisation, being on the mailing list is the best way to stay informed and up to date about Technorama activity.  Our promise:  you won’t be spammed or fire-hosed.


It would not have been possible for an unincorporated group of enthusiasts to run effective events without organisational help. Technorama gratefully acknowledges support from the Community Broadcasting Foundation, the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia, and the Community Media Training Organisation.  We are deeply indebted to the hosts of past Technorama events:  the South Australian Community Broadcasters Association Inc,  the Community Broadcasting Association of Victoria, and Artsound in Canberra. Without the backing of these people, we would not be where we are today.

Supporting Technologists
in the Australian
Community Media Sector