This is very technical, but bear with us.  Especially if you’re not heavily into the machinations of Social Media.

Last night we put a story on our Facebook page – the one we hardly ever update.   That page is set to automatically trigger a post to our Twitter feed.   The one we almost never send anything through.  All things being equal, when we post news to the TR FB page, you get a tweet.

So what’s the problem?  You got the tweet, didn’t you?  Well, tweets are short – that’s the point.  In this case Twitter truncated a long post, losing the useful part of the message in the process, and points everyone here where there was no sign of the rest of the message.

Hence, this article, created just in case you’re about to expire from FOMO.

Here’s what should have been in the Tweet:

Hey, you might be wondering what’s going on at Technorama. Well, most of what we do is announced on the webpage and through the Technorama Q&A group. But in case you’ve missed the news, here are some highlights:

  • Technorama TR19 has been announced for 3-5 May this year, and we’re back at Campbelltown
  • The topic for TR19 Education Day is Project Management.   If you’d like to know how projects are run at the big end of town, and how you can use some of the same technique in your station, this is one for you. Put a hold on all of 3 May for that one.  The class will start at 0930 in Campbelltown.
  • Technorama Tuesdays are back in action for 2019, on the last Tuesday of each month. We’re starting the year with an intro to WHS, one of the most practical non-technical focus areas for your station.
  • We’re congratulating John Maizels who received the Michael Law Award at the CBAA conference in November 2018.
  • Technorama is working with the CMTO to develop technology training streams for techs and non-techs alike. In October 2018 we rolled out the first “Tech for the Non Technical” and at the start of 2019 we delivered the first
    “Studio Blitz” class.

Did you get all that?   Good.  Now you’re up to date!